Why Rent a Car?
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Ong_Boon_Leong]Ong Boon Leong

One of the biggest advantage of renting a vehicle from someone else is that you don't need all the hassle of purchasing a vehicle. I am certain if you have purchased a vehicle before, you can relate. You need to provide them with all your particulars, your bank information, your credit, your insurance and much more. And it is not as easy as what the sales person says. Furthermore when you purchase a car, the value of the car immediately drops. You don't expect that the price of the car rise now, do you? These are some things you definitely something should consider when you are thinking of buying your own car. And after you purchase your car, you will need to take it in for servicing and repairs. Big hassle here. You will also need to worry about paying for insurance and premiums. So much trouble just for a car to bring you to and fro from work. If you need a vehicle just for transport, why bother?

So why not rent a car? You might think that it is more expensive in the long run but do remember that your car do depreciates in value over time. It does not mean that the price of your car remains as high when you sell it in a few years down the road. And how about insurance? Remember, you will need to pay for insurance yourself and this will factor into the cost. How about servicing and repairs? You will have to pay for those as well after the first few free servicing provided by the distributor. Do you really need to OWN that car? Why not let others worry about insurance, servicing and among others for you. All you NEED is a vehicle that drives you to and from work right? Some rental companies even allow you to choose your own model, make and colour if you sign a long term contract with them. So, this is just like getting your very own vehicle, less the many headaches of ownership.

For companies hiring foreigners, leasing a vehicle is also a better alternative. Companies look at cash flow and renting vehicles instead of purchasing them makes good accounting sense. Furthermore contract employees may come and go at any time, so leasing provides a flexible option for companies.

Most rental companies will provide you with alternate transport when they send the vehicle in for servicing or repairs. You don't need to even send the vehicle for servicing yourself as it should be included in the rental package! All you have to do is to pay for the fuel, road access charges and parking. That's it. What could be simpler than that?

Boon Leong is the owner of [http://www.sgsmallbiz.com]Singapore Business Directory. He has a comprehensive listing of [http://www.sgsmallbiz.com/Automobile/Rental/]Singapore Car Rental and Leasing Companies.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ong_Boon_Leong http://EzineArticles.com/?Why-Rent-a-Car?&id=1792546


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