The Car Rental Business has been Growing in Recent Years

The Car Rental Business has been Growing in Recent Years
By []John Gibb

Sometimes you find yourself without a car, but public transport just isn’t good enough, or it would be very expensive. What can you do? Well, you could take a taxi. If you’re travelling any distance, though, it’s probably more sensible to rent a car.

The car rental business has been growing in recent years, mainly because of the ever-increasing amount of international travel. People need a way to get around when they’re abroad, and car rental is a popular option. For this reason, the most common places to find car rental shops are at airports and near other transport links, such as train stations.

If you’re renting a car at home, however, becauses your current car was in an accident or needs some kind of repair, then you might be better off considering getting a rental car delivered to you. Many insurance companies will do this for free, but most car rental companies will do it for a small fee.

On the downside, car rental can also be restrictive, and occasionally dangerous to your wallet. If the car gets damaged, you’ll be charged for it, even if it wasn’t your fault. Many companies restrict you to a certain number of miles, so their cars don’t get worn out too fast, and will charge you a large overage fee for any additional miles you do. If you’re going to rent a car, make sure you actually read the terms and conditions you’re agreeing to before you take it, and walk out if there’s anything in there that is completely ridiculous.

If you’re in your twenties, you may also need to check whether the car rental shop will actually rent to you at all. Because younger drivers have statistically the highest risk of wrecking the cars, many companies won’t rent to you if you’re under 21, or under 23, or even sometimes under 25. Each company is different, though, so shop around – just because one won’t take you, it doesn’t mean that none will.

John Gibb is the owner of car rentals For more information on car rentals please check out

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